Admin Cookbook

Delete PA & Singularity Generator

    entities named "PA .*" do delete $ID
    deleteewi SingularityGenerator

Add power to the station permanently

Admin menu -> objects -> select grids in dropdown -> right click the station -> tricks -> click the battery with the ∞

Uncurse all lockers

entities with CursedEntityStorage do rmcomp $ID CursedEntityStorage; addcomp $ID EntityStorage

Remove all ghostroles

entities with GhostTakeoverAvailable do rmcomp $ID GhostTakeoverAvailable; rmcomp $ID Mind

Clean up assorted body parts

entities with MapGrid children with BodyPart do delete $ID

Disarm the station’s potassium supply

entities hasreagent Potassium do delete $ID

Remove all of a specific character’s insulated gloves

entities with Mind named "NAME GOES HERE" rchildren named "insulated gloves" do delete $ID

Ghost Roles

Sentient vendors

entities with Advertise do makeghostrole $ID "$NAME" "You're a vending machine, use your speaker to annoy people."; rmcomp $ID Advertise

Sentient soap

entities with Slippery prototyped SoapOmega do makeghostrole $ID "$NAME" "You're a bar of soap. Slip absolutely everyone."; addcomp $ID MobState; addcomp $ID PlayerMobMover; addcomp $ID PlayerInputMover

Please don’t

entities with Item do makeghostrole $ID "$NAME" "You're a random, talking item. What the fuck?"; addcomp $ID MobState; addcomp $ID PlayerMobMover; addcomp $ID PlayerInputMover

Your heart would like a word.

entities with Mechanism do makeghostrole $ID "$NAME" "You are some unfortunate soul's $NAME"


entities with Singularity do makeghostrole $ID "Singularity" "FUCK"; addcomp $ID MobState; addcomp $ID MovementIgnoreGravity; addcomp $ID PlayerInputMover; addcomp $ID PlayerMobMover

Probably make everyone unhappy

Cursed locker abuse

Cursed lockers

entities with EntityStorage named ".*closet$|^.*locker" do rmcomp $ID EntityStorage; addcomp $ID CursedEntityStorage

Haunted lockers

entities with EntityStorage named ".*closet$|^.*locker" do rmcomp $ID EntityStorage; addcomp $ID CursedEntityStorage; makeghostrole $ID "$NAME" "You're a haunted locker. Consume people."; addcomp $ID MobState; addcomp $ID PlayerMobMover; addcomp $ID PlayerInputMover

Mess with station access

All Access Day

entities with AccessReader do rmcomp $ID AccessReader

All access bridge on Saltern

entities with Airlock named "Bridge" near 6 with Airlock do rmcomp $ID AccessReader

Swap around jobs/outfits

Clown Day

entities with Mind prototyped MobHuman do setoutfit $ID ClownGear; addcomp $ID Clumsy


entities with Clumsy near 1 with Body prototyped MobHuman not with Clumsy do setoutfit $ID ClownGear; addcomp $ID Clumsy

All but two of us are clowns, who is it

entities with Mind alive prototyped MobHuman not with Clumsy not select 2 do setoutfit $ID ClownGear; addcomp $ID Clumsy

Mime Day

entities with Mind prototyped MobHuman do setoutfit $ID MimeGear; rmcomp $ID Speech


Remove someone’s lungs

entities with Body prototyped MobHuman named "NAME GOES HERE" rchildren named "lungs" do delete $ID or to drop them on the floor: entities with Body prototyped MobHuman named "NAME GOES HERE" rchildren named "lungs" do rmmechanism $ID

Mess with station structure

Make the station see-through

entities named ".*wall" do spawn ReinforcedWindow $ID; spawn Grille $ID; spawn CableApcExtension $ID; delete $ID

Electric Avenue

entities named ".*wall" do spawn spawn Grille $ID; spawn CableApcExtension $ID

Make everyone unhappy

Summon God

entities with Body prototyped MobHuman alive select 1 do addcomp $ID Singularity; addcomp $ID MovementIgnoreGravity; godmode $ID


entities with MapGrid rchildren do explode $WX $WY 1 1 1 1

bang, but funnier

entities with MapGrid children with Item not anchored do addcomp $ID RoguePointingArrow
