

T -> IEnumerable<T> where T: INumber<T>

Returns 1..N

T -> IEnumerable<T> where T: INumber<T>

Returns N..M


IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>

Filters the input by the provided code block.

IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>

Filters the input by uniqueness, eliminating duplicate values.

IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>

Removes N values from the input, discarding the rest.

IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>

Removes a quantity (amount or percentage) of values from the input randomly, discarding the rest.

IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>

Sorts the input from least to greatest.

IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>

Sorts the input from least to greatest using the given ordering value.

    entities sortby { allcomps count }

IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>

Sorts the input from least to greatest using the given ordering value, returning the ordering values.

IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>

Sorts the input from greatest to least.

IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>

Sorts the input from greatest to least using the given ordering value.

IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>

Sorts the input from greatest to least using the given ordering value, returning the ordering values.


IEnumerable<T> -> bool

Returns true if the input is empty, otherwise false. This command can be inverted with not.

object? -> bool

Returns true if the input is null, otherwise false. This command can be inverted with not.

IEnumerable<T> -> int

Counts the number of values in the input.

IEnumerable<T> -> IEnumerable<T>

Repeats the given code block N times over it’s own output, effectively f(f(...N f(x)))

IEnumerable<T> -> T

Returns the first value in the input, or errors if there isn’t one.


T -> IEnumerable<T>

Repeats the input value N times.


IEnumerable<T> -> IDictionary<T, int>

Counts the number of times each unique instance of T occurs in the input, returning a dictionary of unique instance : count.

IEnumerable<TIn> -> IEnumerable<TOut>

Applies the given code block to each element of the input.

IEnumerable<TIn> -> T

Reduces the input, effectively f(x1, f(x2, ...f(xn-1, xn)))
